From TheVoiceBW
A Mochudi man is fighting for his life at Deborah
Retief Memorial hospital after his abusive wife set the house they were
sleeping in ablaze last weekend.
As the international community observed the ‘16 Days
of Activism on violence against women and children’, Shianyana Modise’s
estranged wife went on rampage and attempted to burn her husband and three
children including a two-month old baby, inside the house.
When describing details of the horrific incident,
39-year old Shianyana Modise told of how his habitually abusive wife, Violet,
had phoned informing him that she suspected that the food in the house had been
“I had gone to the cattle post on Friday when I
received the call.
She told me that she had not cooked any food as she
suspected that the food had been poisoned.
When I got back home she had put all food-stuffs
into a large bowl and mixed with water.
When I asked why she did that she started throwing
her usual tantrums, insulting me and throwing stuff all over the place.
She broke the furniture and other household property
and I went to the police station and reported the incident. Continue after the cut...