Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I Want to Clean My Ex-Husband's Tattoo on My Body but its Painful –– Nollywood Actress Ayo Adesanya

I decide to share this because it will teach some ladies who are in "crazy" love to think twice before doing things that might hunt them tomorrow. Below is Actress Ayo Adesanya’s revelation:

There is need for you to put the record straight?
Of course, I have definitely moved on. I’m not searching. I’m trying to say that I’m satisfied with what I have because I definitely have somebody in my life

Have you finally cleaned your tattoo?
I still have it but it’s fading off gradually. I recently had a surgery. I’m supposed to have gone for another one. I’m clearing it off but it’s so painful. It gets swollen and too painful.

Wasn’t it painful when you were doing it?
It was painful but then removing it is more painful.

Click to read more after the cut...

But then it reminds you of the past?
As funny as it is, I don’t remember anything whenever I see it. I see it as part of fashion. I actually went to a church to pray and they gave me a Bible verse, I never knew it was against Christianity. Until the Pastor opened a passage that I should read, and that was how I knew. It’s actually so beautiful when you have tattoos but immediately I knew it was a sin then, I made up my mind to clean it.

But your ex also has the same tattoo. Doesn’t your new man complain whenever he sees it?
He’s not even that kind of person. He’s a very cool person.

How is your boy taking your new man?
Both of them have a relationship. They get along.

Doesn’t he miss his dad?
Please let’s not talk about that for security reasons.

Okay, you don’t want to talk about your ex because of your new man?
Not because of him but it goes beyond that. I don’t really want to talk about my past.

Very painful I guess?
It’s not as if it’s painful. I’m just trying not to contradict some legal matters here.

Okay you’re still in court?
Not really. I don’t want to talk about it

Okay, let me guess- you are still in court and you don’t…
We were never legally married in the first place. So, there’s nothing about being in court. It was just something that he did on his part. I don’t want to talk about it. It was a long time.

Looking at life, do you have any regret?
Well, I don’t want to say I regretted my marriage because I got something positive from it which is my boy. But really, if I’m given a chance to walk through that experience again, I’m not going to do it that way. I’ll do it differently

You are not going to marry him?
I won’t.

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