Friday, January 18, 2013

Segun Arinze writes to a blogger to save the face of His wife!

A text message from star actor Segun Arinze to a blogger, concerning comments on a magazine cover post - Segun Arinze and family cover magazine. He wants to set the record straight about some misconceptions. Read it after the cut...
Dear Linda, I want to thank you for having such a wonderful blog. Having said that, I want to say despite the fact that we have freedom of expression doesn't give people the liberty to be reckless with words without verifying facts first. Someone said my wife cut across as someone rude. That's a big lie! She's the most courteous person you can think of. Sometimes people like to take the piss.

Now my full names are Segun Aina Padonou. My father, though late, was Yoruba from Badagry.  My mum is Ibo. Arinze is the Ibo name given to me by my mum. So I used it as Pseudonym. That's why you have Segun Arinze. And as at the last time I looked in the mirror, I didn't see any ugly Segun. No human has a right to call another ugly because you ain't God. You can't give life so don't curse or swear. Once again thanks Linda

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