Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Kim Kardashian Pregnant!! Kanye Announces on Stage

Kim Kardashian's got a little Kanye in her as in she's pregnant with Kanye West's baby according to the rapper himself.

Yeezy dropped the baby bombshell on stage Sunday night in Atlantic City by singing, "God brought us a whole new plan, baby.”Cause now you're having my baby."

As Kanye went into the next song, he asked the crowd, "Can we make some noise for my baby mama right quick?"

Kim is said to be 12 weeks pregnant, and apparently several members of the K clan have been sitting on the secret.

Shortly after Kanye's announcement, Khloe Kardashian tweeted, "Keeping secrets is hard with so many family members! Especially when you are so freaking excited!!!"

Kourtney also tweeted, "Been wanting to shout from the rooftops with joy and now I can."
Read the tweet after the cut...

Watch the video here

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