Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Humiliated Cyclist Lance Armstrong Confesses Doping to Oprah

How he got away with this for many years is beyond me. After more than a decade of denying doping claims, cyclist Lance Armstrong has admitted to Oprah that he used performance-enhancing drugs to help him win seven Tour de France titles. A person familiar with the situation told the Associated Press that Armstrong confessed to Oprah Winfrey during an interview taping, which is slated to air on Thursday on her network.

Armstrong was stripped of all seven Tour titles and banned for life last year by a U.S. Anti-Doping Agency after it was discovered that he used performance enhancement drugs to win.

He had a meeting last month with US Anti-Doping Agency officials, and they said they were willing to reduce his life ban if he would testify against the people who helped him dope. See more photo after the cut...

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