Saturday, December 15, 2012

27 killed in elementary school shooting in Connecticut

Yesterday morning children went to school in Newtown Connecticut and were slain by a madman. Perhaps an evil man, perhaps both. Children were slain, adults were slain and the preliminary news was horrific.

20 year old Adam Lanza (pictured below right) killed his mum at home and drove to the school in Newtown, Connecticut and opened fire on pupils and teachers, killing 26 people in all. 20 children between 5 to 10 years old, six adults including the school principal before killing himself.

Adam Lanza was dressed in black military gear and a bullet proof vest when he opened fire in the principal's office and then moved to a kindergarten classroom where his mother, Nancy, taught. The three guns (Glock and Sig Sauer revolvers and Bushmaster rifle) used in the shooting were legally purchased by Adam's mother, Nancy Lanza, whose body was found in their home. This massacre is the worst involving little children in American history. How could something this horrible happen? It’s really sad! Can't believe this guy went after unarmed little children. It’s so heartbreaking. May their souls find rest in the bosom of the Lord… Amen.

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